Matan, Department of Urdu & Iqbaliat, The Islamia University - Bahawalpur

متْن (اردو ریسرچ جرنل)

Department of Urdu, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
ISSN (print): 2708-5724
ISSN (online): 2708-5732

Iqbal is a great poet of Urdu who has a complete philosophy of life. The basic concept of his philosophy is to explore the status of human being in this world. This identification is incomplete without consideration of female position. Iqbal has also a vision about women prestige and position in society. Feminism is a very important discourse of our age which has tries to identify the actual status of women in society and literature. In this article researcher has tried to explore the feminist aspect of Iqbal’s intellect and its relevance with contemporary feminist approach.





Type: Article
Volume: 4
Issue: 2
Language: Urdu
Id: 649efba45ee4c
Pages 38 - 51
Published December 31, 2023


MATAN (متْن), Department of Urdu, IUB.
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