Matan, Department of Urdu & Iqbaliat, The Islamia University - Bahawalpur

متْن (اردو ریسرچ جرنل)

Department of Urdu, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
ISSN (print): 2708-5724
ISSN (online): 2708-5732

The effects of the neo-demographic period on the civilization and society of common India can be clearly seen, which have been presented as important topics by Indian/Pakistani historians. Along with these historical contexts, the common culture born in this period has been coming to us as an important subject of Urdu fiction. Fiction in its place is an important medium of completing the incomplete pages of history. “Kai Chand The Sar-e-Asman is such a novel by Shamsur Rahman Farooqi, through which the cultural and social life of the neo-colonial era can be closely observed. Thus, the best means of understanding history is available in the language of fiction. The article under consideration brings forward the same cultural and colonialism of the neo-demographic period.



Chairperson, Department of Urdu, The Women University, Multan.




Type: Article
Volume: 4
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 649e1feb37b3e
Pages 1 - 18
Published June 30, 2023


MATAN (متْن), Department of Urdu, IUB.
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