Matan, Department of Urdu & Iqbaliat, The Islamia University - Bahawalpur

متْن (اردو ریسرچ جرنل)

Department of Urdu, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur
ISSN (print): 2708-5724
ISSN (online): 2708-5732

مستعار الفاظ: نوآبادیاتی تناظر‎ ‎

  • Kosar Parveen/
  • June 30, 2021
Loan words: Colonial Perspective
loan words, social needs, lingual harmony, multilingual societies, ‎communication.

Languages emerge under social needs. In multilingual societies, people exchange the words of different languages for communication. In this way, the words of a language enter into other language. It not only creates lingual harmony among the members of the society, but it also extends the sphere of language with the loan words. When the words of a language enter into the other language under political, social, economic and cultural needs, they are called borrowed or loan words. The domain of Urdu extended as a result of addition of words from other languages. The purpose of this article is to throw light on the economic, social and cultural causes and motives of the loan words from other languages in general and English language in particular.


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Type: Article
Volume: 2
Issue: 1
Language: Urdu
Id: 60db909f9f8a2
Pages 75 - 89
Published June 30, 2021


  • 637
  • 174
  • 167


MATAN (متْن), Department of Urdu, IUB.
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